Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You cowards!

I happen to love the new attorny general.
Holy fuck people, Obama is not the racism band aid! Seriously? Eric Holder is spot on. America is a nation of pants-wetting cowards when it comes to race and religion and the like. I find it sad that people are like 'yay! black president equals no more racism!' Yeah, um, right. If November fourth ended all racism then there would be no plans to kill the president, no KKK, and certainly no accurate polls that show black people have it harder than white people.
More black people live in the inner city than in the suburbs.
Black people are more effected by the recession.
And there are still close-minded backward folk who think black people are fucking slaves.
YES! RACISM IS OVER. Fuck you guys. "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and we, I believe continue to be in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Thank. You.
How can people think that the race problem is over when middle-eastern looking people are getting 'random bag checks' in airports. Or when a totally innocent black guy gets pulled over by a police man. Oh, man, how about those stereotypes, too! Okay, yeah, America has taken a huge step forward in this department with Obama and Holder and such; but we're NOT FINISHED. It doesn't take a day, or one person, or even a group of a few people to change the fact that America is still racist.

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