Friday, February 20, 2009

Thank You Twilight.

Read this.

Go on.

Finished? There are many things wrong with this link. One: a website dedicated to Twilight hating; holy hell people, get a life. Two: the sad thing is, although this is most likely a fake story, I wouldn't be surprised if there were actually physical fights over Twilight, which is sad
I think a rant is in order. WHAT THE FUCK. Twilight sucks. Actually, end of story. If I needed to actually prove myself, then I'd make people read the damned series.. I don't need to make points that have already been proven, so my post is finished.


  1. My favorite part is one of the comments after the story:

    "This really made me rage. Its a fucking book moron! Even I wouldn't kill for the freakin Bible."


  2. HA. I didn't see that.
    Ah, some people.

  3. Ive never seen it :/ hmm lol
    cool blog :)
    hope to hear from you! Monika hearts;
